Eden Valley Turkey BBQ and meeting

Eden Valley Community Center 21400 Placer Hills Rd, Colfax, CA, United States

Come join us for our annual turkey barbecue and potluck Dec 11. Doors open at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm followed with 50/50 raffle Speaker at 7:30 pm 21400 Placer Hills Rd Colfax, CA 95713

Christmas Eve Alkathon

Auburn Fellowship 244 Palm Avenue, Auburn, CA, United States

A meeting every hour and a half first meeting at noon and last meeting at midnight


District Business Meeting

534 Auburn Ravine Road 534 Auburn Ravine Road, Auburn, United States

Hybrid/Virtual login details: URL: https://zoom.us/j/2236613304 Meeting ID: 223 661 3304 Password: District21